Management Structure

The management structure of 2D-Health is structured around a Management Board and two external advisory boards. The Management Board has overall responsibility for the execution of the project, with overall responsibility for governance and accountability to the EPSRC lying with the Director, Prof Kostas Kostarelos. The Management Board comprises of the Director, three Academic Theme Leaders and four Industrial Champion representatives. The Board is supported by the Project Manager, Dr Sarah Briston.

The Management Board is guided by an Advisory Board. This Advisory Board is formed of members having knowledge of the research area or interest in the outcome and includes independent academics, clinicians and scientific advisors. The board will provide views on changes in the external environment and how they will affect the programme, it is also responsible for reviewing progress providing external insight on the current landscape and potential impact. They are responsible for reviewing progress, providing formal comments on the direction of research and ensuring academic excellence is maintained. They will also counsel on future strategy and advice on potential sources of funding and opportunities. They will also monitor compliance with UK and EU ethics and regulatory policies


Project Coordination

Prof Kostas Kostarelos
Professor of Nanomedicine
University of Manchester
2D-Health Project Director

Dr Sarah Briston
Nanomedicine Project Manager
University of Manchester
2D-Health Project Manager